Digital Teaching Exemplars


TEACHING AND LEADING STYLE: Teaching and Leading Style Examples Various images of different age levels that give an over veiw of project based teaching, personalized learning.

Sodano-Richards, Verna J., Ed D. Authentic Projects with Whole School Integration: An Online Database Creation- Election. Fall 2004. Web. <>.

AUTHENTIC LEARNING: Authentic Projects with Whole School Integration: An Online Database Creation- Election Integration of the school newspaper, The Edge, with the school’s multimedia class to create an electronic voting ballot complete with password protection. This project is an example of what students can do when given authentic projects. The Edge newspaper staff then decided to add a survey to compare student-voting patterns to the corresponding voting patterns in the actual areas of the county. The analysis of the raw data was available to the students as an additional learning opportunity in math and social studies classes.

Sodano-Richards, Verna J., Ed D. Information Literacy: Lifelist Search for Katrina Survivors. Lifelist, Fall 2005. Web.

PASSION PROJECT Students Respond to Real Life Events: Information Literacy: Lifelist Search for Katrina Survivors. Lifelist was a project that changed the way I understand a child's abilities. There is nothing too difficult when one is passionate. Students wanted to do something about the Katrina survivors who were flooding our Atlanta area. Lifelist was a perfect way to answer the call. We were successful finding people using some stunning methods devised by the students. The students used creative skills in finding information, and evaluation that were critical for their success. If they couldn't call the person, they called the person's neighbors. They asked if they knew anything about the person we were tasked to find. They called drug stores to ask them to call the State of Louisiana to tell them if the person's perscriptions were picked up or transferred, since it was illegal for the students to know those details, but they did the time-consuming work for the State of LA. They certainly learned that the information on the Internet needs to be watched carefully. The originator of Lifelist and writer of the letter sent to the class is now an accomplished director, Ava DuVernay.

Sodano-Richards, Verna J., Ed D. Interschool and inter-age level collaboration. Interactive Software: Cleophus the Clogging Cow

COLLABORATIVE Leaning Across the School System: Interactive Software: Cleophus the Clogging Cow The first grade writers, a music teacher, dance students and a multimedia class created this fun loving CD. Inner city students usually do not like hoedown country music, but they can produce a fine example of it as a working team. The teacher evaluation process was interesting, once the students took over the production of the project. Teacher as observer to working conferences would be a good way to describe how this project was evaluated.

Greenstein, Laura, Ed D., and Verna Sodano-Richards, Ed D. Webinar Series: The Power of Purposeful Feedback. RESC Alliance/LEARN, 2011. Web.

COLLABORATIVE Teaching across Regional Service Center and University: Webinar Series: The Power of Purposeful Feedback. Tech support and online educational specialist for this project. Dr. Greenstein was participating in a webinar series concerning her new book about purposeful feedback. Our collaboration of feedback expert and digital teacher produced this video.

Sodano-Richards, Verna J., Ed D. for the Society of Biblical Literature and Nida Institute, Summer 2002. Web. Served as the online educational technology expert for this project.

IMMEDIATE FEEDBACK WITH TECHNOLOGY: This conference demonstration is an example of how teaching with self pacing and immediate feedback can be used online and in technology classes. The methods used in this demo suggestion is similar to current coding courses online. Online educational technology expert for this project.

Purcell, Jeanne, Ph D, and Verna Sodano-Richards, Ed D. The Growth Mindset; RESC Alliance/LEARN, 2012. support and digital educational specialist for this project.

COLLABORATIVE Teaching Across Regional Service Center and The CT Department of Ed: The Growth Mindset was created as a "flipped" video for training purposes. The content expert is Jeanne Purcell. In the video, she is setting the tone for teachers to differentiate lessons.


Sodano-Richards, Verna J., Ed D. Improving Teacher Technology Proficiencies in a Community Wide Accountability Structure.  Connecticut Principal's Award, 2000. Web. All aspects of this program were created by Verna Sodano-Richards.

EMBEDDED MENTORING/PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: Improving Teacher Technology Proficiencies in a Community Wide Accountability Structure was a program that featured personalized, asynchronous professional development. The teachers were not taken out of class for workshops, but were mentored along with co-teaching. Reflection, feedback and a clear accountability structure are hallmarks of this program.
